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Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: Epic Games Store Treats Gamers with a Limited-Time Free Offer

Epic Games Store Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy
Photo AFP

Epic Games Store News

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, the action-adventure game developed by Eidos-Montréal and released in 2021, is currently available for free on the Epic Games Store. This exciting offer commenced on January 5 and will remain open until January 11 at 4 pm GMT, allowing gamers to claim the title at no cost. After the promotional period ends, players can still access and redownload the game through their Epic Games Store library. Normally priced at £49.99, this giveaway presents an excellent opportunity for enthusiasts to experience the cosmic adventures of Star-Lord and the gang without any financial commitment.

In a recent review, NME, while acknowledging the game’s strengths, noted a nuanced perspective. The review states, “Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is actually better when you’re not playing it: everything it does to get you onside with its quippy humour, its sharp story-telling, and its endearing characters, it loses in clunky, laborious combat, some appalling pacing, and baffling design decisions. It’s a damn shame that one of the best stories of the year – with some seriously impressive voice work and mo-cap – is tainted by a game that feels like it just doesn’t want to be played.”

Despite Square Enix confirming underwhelming sales in a 2022 financial report, there’s a silver lining. Mary DeMarle, the game’s narrative director, revealed that Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy found a growing audience on Xbox Game Pass, emphasizing the impact of accessibility through platforms like Game Pass. She expressed enthusiasm about players sharing their experiences, stating, “We make games to touch people, we make games to hit an audience. And it’s great that it’s finding its audience, and it’s great that it keeps going forward.”

The financial report mentioned, “Despite strong reviews, the game’s sales on launch undershot our initial expectations.” However, this setback hasn’t dimmed the prospects for the game, especially with the newfound popularity on Xbox Game Pass.

As for the potential of a sequel, Jean-Francois Dugas, senior creative director, remains optimistic. He stated, “Never say never, and never say anything.” The open-ended response leaves room for future developments, keeping fans intrigued about the fate of the Guardians in the gaming universe.

In a separate development within the gaming industry, South Korean publisher Nexon faced consequences for deceptive practices. The company was fined 11.6 billion won (£7 million) for discreetly altering loot box drop rates, shedding light on the ongoing concerns surrounding microtransactions and the transparency of in-game purchases.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy being offered for free on the Epic Games Store is undoubtedly a boon for gaming enthusiasts, providing an accessible entry point to a title that, despite initial sales challenges, has found renewed interest through alternative platforms. As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, the relationship between game accessibility, sales performance, and player engagement takes center stage, influencing the industry’s trajectory in unexpected ways.

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