ISRO Sun Mission: All you need to know about Aditya L1 Mission


ISRO’s Aditya L1 solar mission aims to study Sun’s high temperature, solar winds which can cause disturbance in earth. Aditya L1 will stay in earth orbit for 16 days and will take four months to reach destined Halo orbit.


PSLV C57 with Aditya L1 onboard taking off from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota (Image: ISRO/X)

Shriharikota, Andhra Pradesh:
Following up on the success of ISRO’s chandrayaan-3 successful landing on lunar south polar region, India’s ISRO launched its first solar mission Aditya L1 on September 2, 2023 from Satish Dhawan Space Center(SDSC) in Shriharikota.

Aditya L1 spacecraft carried by ISRO workhorse rocket PSLV, which lifted off from second launch pad at SDSC at 11:50am. With PSLV’s 59th flight and 25th mission with XL configuration, the rocket placed 1480.7kg Aditya-L1 in earth bound orbit where spacecraft will orbit for 16 days and will undergo five maneuvers to gain necessary velocity for its solar journey.

Aditya L1 will now take four months of time to reach its destined Lagrange L1 point, where spacecraft will carry on its studies of Sun’s atmosphere, Solar Wind’s and Coronal Mass Ejections for five years.

Here All You Need To Know About Aditya-L1 Mission

Aditya L1 mission lies the quest to unlock the secrets of the Sun’s corona. This outermost layer of the Sun’s atmosphere.

Mission Main Objective:

  1. To Study the Dynamics of the Solar Upper Atmosphere:
    The corona, located above the Sun’s surface or photosphere, exhibits a peculiar behavior. Instead of cooling down as one moves away from the Sun, it inexplicably becomes significantly hotter, reaching temperatures in the millions of degrees Celsius.
    Aditya L1 aims to investigate the dynamics of this solar upper atmosphere, encompassing the chromosphere and corona.
  2. Understanding the Physics Chromospheric and Coronial Heating:
    The corona’s extraordinary heat has baffled scientists for decades.
    Aditya L1 seeks to uncover the physics behind this remarkable phenomenon, shedding light on how and why the corona is superheated compared to the Sun’s surface.
  3. Studying the Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and Solar Flares: CMEs and solar flares are awe-inspiring solar events that can impact Earth’s technology and climate.
    Aditya L1 endeavors to delve into the initiation mechanisms of these phenomena, offering insights into their behavior and potential effects on our planet.
  4. Exploring the In-Situ Particle and Plasma Environment Around the Sun:
    This part of the mission involves studying the particles and plasma that envelop the Sun, providing invaluable data to understand the solar environment and its impact on our solar system.

Aditya-L1 is equipped with seven scientific instruments to help its achieve these objectives:

Payloads in Aditya-L1:

  • A Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VELC) is prime payload for Corona Imaging, Spectroscopy.
  • A Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) is UV telescope to image solar disk and for Imaging Photosphere and Chromosphere.
  • A High Energy L1 Orbiting X-ray Spectrometer (HElOS) to study solar emissions in high energy.
  • A Solar Low Energy X-ray Spectrometer (SoLEXS) designed to study the solar X-ray emission
  • A Aditya Solar Wind Particle Experiment (ASPEX) to study the composition of the solar wind
  • The PAPA, Plasma Analyzer Package to measure the solar wind particles and its compositions.
  • The Mag, Magnetometer to measure the low intensity magnetic field in space.

  1. Coronagraph: This instrument acts as the mission’s “eye,” capturing images of the Sun’s corona. By observing the corona in various wavelengths, scientists can analyze its intricate structure and dynamics.
  2. Spectrograph: Focused on the solar atmosphere, the spectrograph dissects the Sun’s light into its constituent colors, revealing crucial information about the Sun’s composition and physical processes.
  3. Magnetometer: To understand the Sun’s magnetic influence, the magnetometer measures the complex and dynamic magnetic field around our star.
  4. Plasma Analyzer: This instrument examines the solar plasma, helping scientists comprehend its composition, density, and behavior.
  5. Particle Detector: Measuring solar particles, this detector is vital for characterizing the Sun’s emissions, especially during active solar events.
  6. Radiometer: Monitoring solar radiation, the radiometer quantifies the Sun’s energy output, a fundamental aspect of understanding its impact on Earth.
  7. Telescope: Focused on studying solar flares, the telescope offers high-resolution observations of these explosive events.

The Aditya L1 spacecraft will be placed in a HALO ORBIT around the L1 Lagrange point, which is a point in space between the Sun and Earth where the gravitational forces of the two bodies are balanced.

This allows the spacecraft to stay in a stable orbit around the Sun while also being able to observe the Sun continuously.

Halo Orbit

A halo orbit is a type of orbit that is used to keep a spacecraft in a stable position around a point in space.

Halo Orbit incase of Aditya-L1 is the L1 Lagrange point.

The L1 Lagrange point is located about 1.5 million kilometers (930,000 miles) from the Sun, directly between the Sun and Earth.

The halo orbit allows the Aditya L1 spacecraft to stay in a stable position and continuously observe the Sun.

The L1 Lagrange Point: A Cosmic Sweet Spot

The L1 Lagrange point is one of five equilibrium points in the Sun-Earth system where gravitational forces balance perfectly. This unique location enables objects, such as Aditya L1, to maintain a stable position relative to both the Sun and Earth. Among these Lagrange points, L1 is particularly stable, making it an ideal platform for solar missions.

Image Courtesy: ISRO/X

Exploring Other Lagrange Points

While L1 is well-suited for solar observations, the other Lagrange points offer their own advantages and are vital for various space missions:

  1. L2 Lagrange Point:
    Positioned on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun, L2 provides a stable platform for missions like the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). It allows telescopes to escape the interference of Earth’s atmosphere and observe distant regions of the universe with unparalleled clarity.
  2. L3 Lagrange Point:
    Located on the opposite side of the Sun from Earth, L3 has not been utilized for missions due to the challenges of communicating with probes positioned there. However, it remains an intriguing location for future astronomical observations.
  3. L4 and L5 Lagrange Points:
    These points, forming an equilateral triangle with Earth and the Moon, are known as the Trojan points. They host clusters of asteroids that share Earth’s orbit. Missions to these points could offer valuable insights into the early solar system and asteroid dynamics.

ISRO’s Workhorse PSLV Rocket

Image Credit: ISRO

The Aditya L1 mission, propelled by the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), is backed by a reliable and versatile launch vehicle. The PSLV, developed by ISRO, has a storied history:

  • The PSLV rocket made its debut in 1993 and has since been a workhorse of ISRO’s launch fleet.
  • It boasts an impressive track record, having launched over 100 satellites into various orbits.
  • The PSLV’s adaptability is evident in its ability to place satellites into low Earth orbit, geosynchronous transfer orbit, and geostationary orbit.
  • The rocket is structured into four stages, each equipped with different types of engines.
    • The first stage utilizes solid-fueled engines, providing the initial thrust.
    • The second and third stages are powered by liquid-fueled engines, facilitating precise orbital insertion.
    • The fourth stage employs a small liquid-fueled engine to fine-tune the orbit of the payload.
  • The PSLV can carry payloads weighing up to 1,750 kilograms into low Earth orbit.
  • Known for its reliability, the PSLV boasts a launch success rate exceeding 90%.
  • Its cost-effectiveness has made it a preferred choice for launching small satellites, including Earth observation satellites, communication satellites, and scientific satellites.