Bengaluru: A CCTV video has surfaced depicting the incident that claimed the lives of Chandram Yegapagol, the CEO of a Bengaluru software company, and five family members who were traveling in their new Volvo XC90 SUV. The event occurred when a container truck flipped over and landed on the roof of their SUV near Nelamangala, along National Highway 48, at the outskirts of Bengaluru, on Saturday.
Yegapagol and his family were journeying to their home city, Sangli in Maharashtra. The event took place around 11 am near Tippagondanahalli on the Bengaluru-Tumakuru stretch of the highway.
The container truck collided with the milk truck, causing both vehicles to overturn. Yegapagol, witnessing the ongoing accident, reduced the speed of his SUV, but the container truck crashed directly onto the car’s roof, crushing all occupants inside.
On Monday, the truck driver involved in a deadly crash in Bengaluru Rural district that took the lives of six family members stated that a vehicle in front of him abruptly decelerated, causing him to veer and lose control. The truck, carrying steel, overturned and flattened an SUV on the opposite side of the road, causing the fatalities.
The incident took place close to Talekere, in the Nelamangala area on the fringes of Bengaluru last Saturday. The family, who were on their way to Vijayapura from Bengaluru, became trapped inside the mangled SUV. Addressing reporters from the hospital, Arif, a truck driver from Jharkhand, mentioned that he was driving at 40 km/h when the vehicle in front suddenly stopped.
A Deputy Superintendent of Police (DySP) is heading the inquiry, and CCTV footage from the scene of the accident is being examined. A 46-year-old owner of a software firm in Bengaluru was one of five family members, including his two kids and niece, who tragically lost their lives in the incident.
<!– Published on: Tuesday, December 24, 2024, 11:29 AM IST –>