Mumbai: The results for the elections and nominations to several important authorities of Mumbai University were announced on Sunday during a special meeting of the University’s General Body. Held in accordance with the provisions of the Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2016, the elections saw the appointment of new members to the Management Council, Academic Council, Standing Committee, and the Teacher and Staff Grievance Redressal Committee.
In the Management Council elections, several members were elected unopposed. Prof. Dilip Bharmal (General Category) and Prof. Dilip Patil (OBC Category) were chosen unopposed from the Principal Group. Dr. Anup Paloskar (General Category) secured 51 votes from the Teacher Group, while Dr. Jagannath Khemnar (Nomadic Tribes Category) was also elected unopposed. From the Management Representative Group, Sunil Joshi (General Category) was elected unopposed, and from the Registered Graduates Group, Milind Satam (General Category) and Shital Sheth (Scheduled Castes Category) were elected unopposed.
For the Academic Council, Ravindra Ghodewinde was elected unopposed from the Management Representative Group. In the Standing Committee elections, Prof. Vasant Mali was selected from the Principal Group, while Pradeep Sawant was elected from the Registered Graduates Group. Dr. Anup Paloskar won with 47 votes from the Teacher Group.
The Teacher and Staff Grievance Redressal Committee also saw its members elected. Dr. Vinod Kumre (Teacher Group) secured 48 votes, while Santosh Nikam was chosen unopposed from the Non-Teaching Staff Group.
Following the announcement of the results, Mumbai University’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Ravindra Kulkarni, along with Pro-Vice Chancellor Dr. Ajay Bhamre and Registrar Dr. Prasad Karande, extended their congratulations and warmly welcomed the newly elected and nominated members to their respective positions.
The smooth conduct of the elections was praised, with particular recognition given to Deputy Registrar (Elections) Vikas Daware, Assistant Registrar Ramesh Damse, and their team. Special assistance in organising the elections was provided by Dr. Vinod Patil, Registrar of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.