With only nine days left for the new year, the cold has still not fully set in across Uttar Pradesh, but that’s about to change. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecast a significant drop in minimum temperatures starting December 28, following three days of rainfall from December 26. The rain is expected to begin in the western districts of the state and spread to central and eastern regions by December 28.
According to IMD, the weather will turn dry by December 29, marking the beginning of an intense cold season. For now, residents can enjoy a temporary break from dense fog and cold waves, with relatively stable temperatures across the state. Over the past 24 hours, there was little change in night temperatures, which remained above normal in some divisions like Meerut (+1.6°C to +3.0°C above normal) and normal (-1.5°C to +1.5°C) in the remaining divisions.
Kanpur (City) recorded the lowest minimum temperature of 6°C on Saturday, while the rest of the state saw moderate weather conditions. This shift comes after the onset of the second western disturbance, which is expected to bring moisture-laden winds from the Bay of Bengal, leading to drizzle and light showers across western U.P. on December 23.
By December 27, the western disturbance is expected to intensify, with light to moderate rain expected in many parts of the state, including the state capital Lucknow. The rain will likely start in western U.P. on the evening of December 26, extending to central and eastern areas by December 27 and 28. This change in weather will bring a dip in maximum daytime temperatures, while minimum night temperatures are likely to rise.
The weather in U.P. remained dry over the past 24 hours. Light to moderate fog was observed in parts of eastern U.P., while shallow fog occurred in western regions. Lucknow is expected to see shallow to moderate fog during night and morning hours, followed by clear skies. Temperatures are likely to hover around 24°C (max) and 8°C (min). On Saturday, Lucknow recorded 21.1°C (max) and 9.1°C (min).
The IMD forecast has also predicted dry weather over the next 24 hours, with shallow to moderate fog in isolated parts of the state, especially during the late-night and early-morning hours. Lucknow will experience similar weather, with shallow to moderate fog in the early hours, followed by clear skies. The city’s maximum temperature will be around 24°C, with a minimum of 8°C.