3 Ways to Energize People during Conversations
Lousy conversations with the boss drain people.
Successful leaders energize people. Focused energy makes success more likely.
3 ways to energize people during conversations.
#1. Focused attention.
People hate meeting with you when they feel like an inconvenience.
You have a million things to do and now it’s time for a conversation with one person. Maybe you’re thinking about all the problems you need to solve. Or perhaps you’re frustrated because of all their weaknesses and mistakes.
People won’t tell you this, they don’t like talking with you when you don’t like talking with them.
#2. Applause.
Two of our granddaughters slept over last night. One is learning to play the recorder. Mimi and I asked her to talk about things she’s learning. I asked her why she bobbed her head while she played. She explained she was counting. We listened with wonder.
Before long she decided to put on a show. She wrote a dozen notes on some paper and performed in front of us. We applauded. She added some notes and announced her show again. We were delighted again. Then she decided to give us a quiz about music.
I didn’t tell you her older sister played the flute in a concert last night.
Applause energizes people.
#3. Action plans.
Turn conversations into practical action. You energize people when they identify next steps.
Action plans begin in the past.
- What happened?
- What did you try?
- How did it work?
- What worked?
- What didn’t work?
Actions plans turn toward the future.
- What’s next?
- What do you need to stop?
- What are three things you might try? Which one do you choose to do?
- What challenges might you face when you do that?
- How will you know you’re succeeding?
How do you energize people during conversations?
Still curious:
12 Questions Guaranteed to Energize People
Quick Strategies to Energize One-On-Ones
How to Have a Fun Conversation Again (NYT)