Raipur: A tragic incident unfolded in the Tilda Nevra police station area when 22-year-old Nandani Dewar attempted suicide along with her three-month-old daughter after allegedly receiving an unsatisfactory response from the police regarding a domestic dispute.
According to reports, Nandani, a resident of Dewar Para, Tilda, arrived at the police station on Tuesday evening to file a complaint against her husband, Nankun Dewar.
Disheartened by the response, she stepped outside, poured kerosene on herself, and set herself ablaze with her infant in her arms.
Police personnel quickly intervened, extinguishing the flames and rushing the woman and her severely burned child to the Community Health Centre in Tilda.
She sustained critical injuries, was later referred to Raipur for advanced treatment. Doctors reported that Nandani suffered 20% burns, while her infant daughter’s condition remains serious.
The incident, captured on CCTV, reveals the woman igniting herself before moving toward the police station.
Authorities, including the station in-charge and the local Tehsildar, have initiated an investigation into the matter.
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