Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara on Friday said that an FIR had been filed against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader CT Ravi after he allegedly made derogatory remarks against Congress Leader Laxmi Hebbalkar.
According to ANI, Parameshwara said “An FIR has been filed against him (CT Ravi) after the complaint. He will be produced before the court today. I’m not aware of the injury to his head. Police have taken action after consultation with the chairman. CT Ravi’s complaint will be also examined.”
Further, Parameshwara said that the incident started with Ravi allegedly calling Rahul Gandhi a drug addict and further added that it was wrong and no senior politician should use such words.
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“This incident all started after he allegedly called Rahul Gandhi a drug addict. It is wrong, being a senior politician no one should use such words, that too against a lady who is a minister. I don’t want to react to whatever allegation CT Ravi made during the road protest. He will be produced before the court in Belagavi, then the procedure will be followed…”
Meanwhile, advocate MB Jiragi, representative of Ravi claimed that despite the BJP leader being arrested under sections 75 and 79 of BNS, the police had not officially recorded his arrested or presented him before a magistrate which was a legal requirement.
“CT Ravi has been arrested under sections 75 and 79 of BNS. He has been arrested physically. But so far, we have not been confirmed on record that he has been arrested. De facto, the Karnataka police have already taken him into custody. They took him to various places last night… So far, they have not produced him before the court of law,” Jiragi said.
The lawyer stressed that under the law, Ravi must be presented before a magistrate within a reasonable time, which has not happened yet. “It is mandated under the law that a person who has been arrested must be produced before the nearest magistrate within a reasonable time. Unfortunately, this has not happened. So far, we don’t know at what time they will produce him before the court,” he added.
(With ANI inputs)
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