Chandigarh: A purported conversation between gangster Goldy Brar and Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) of Punjab’s Anti-Gangster Task Force (AGTF), Bikram Singh Brar, went viral on social media. In the audio clip, the gangster is threatening the police officer for “deploying” informers in his group. He asked the DSP to pull back all the informers from his gang.
However, the DSP gave the gangster a befitting reply and warned him to mend his ways. Notably, Goldy Brar is a key member of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. The DSP is a decorated police officer with five gallantry awards. He is a known encounter specialist, reported The Times of India..
In the nine-minute audio clip, the police officer refuted the gangster’s allegation of deploying informers in his group. DSP Brar said that everybody is equal before the law and we will not spare anyone involved in illegal activities. “For us you or any gangster, dog or donkey are same,” the DSP said.
Here Is The Viral Audio Clip (Strong Language Used):
Goldy Brar, the son of a former Punjab police assistant sub-inspector, is believed to be in Canada. He is allegedly involved in the murder of famous Punjabi singer Sidhu Moosewala in May 2022. Satinderjit Singh aka Goldy Brar was designated as a terrorist by the Union Home Minister on January 1, 2024. Apart from Moosewala’s murder, Goldy Brar is also facing many criminal charges in India.
A senior Punjab Police officer told The Times of India that the gangster called DSP Brar a few days ago. As per the police official, the audio clip was not released by the police, but it was made viral by the gangster. DSP Brara has not yet commented on the development.
<!– Published on: Tuesday, December 31, 2024, 03:28 PM IST –>