Rohtak (Haryana), Dec 24: In a shocking incident, a 25-year-old student from Chhichharana village in Sonipat district attempted to end his life by shooting himself in the head outside the History Department of the Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU), Rohtak.
Eyewitnesses said he fell on the ground bleeding profusely after he shot himself. The weapon used in the act was reportedly a pistol meant for shooting sports.
The injured student, identified as Sumit, a Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P. Ed) student at MDU, was immediately rushed to Rohtak PGI, Rohtak by fellow students. His condition is said to be critical.
Authorities, including officers from the PGI police station and a Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) team, arrived at the scene after getting information about the incident to collect evidence and initiate an investigation.
The family of the student was also informed. They reached PGI Hospital from Chhichharana village and took Sumit to a private hospital where he was undergoing treatment.
DSP Gulab Singh, who is leading the investigation, said: “Sumit, a resident of Chhichharana village, shot himself in the head with a shooting pistol near the gate of the History Department around 1 p.m. He was immediately taken to PGI, but his condition remains critical. We are thoroughly investigating the matter to ascertain the reasons behind this act.”
As per the information, Sumit Kumar had come to the MDU to take the exam and was standing outside the History Department when he shot himself.
While the exact motive remains unclear, authorities are exploring all possible angles, including personal, academic, or mental health concerns. Authorities are working to determine whether it was an accident or a deliberate act.
The university officials and local law enforcement authorities are closely monitoring the situation.
(Disclaimer: Except for the headline, this article has not been edited by FPJ’s editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)
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