Jaipur: A 3-year-old girl fell into a borewell in Kotputli, Rajasthan on Monday. The borewell is 700 feet deep. Initially, the girl was at a depth of about 15 feet, but suddenly, she slipped and went further down. The administration has started the rescue operation on the spot
The incident is of Badiyali Dhani in Kotputali. The officials said that Chetna Chaudhary daughter of Bhupendra Chaudhary was playing near the house. Suddenly, her foot slipped and she fell into the open borewell.
The family informed the police about the incident Excavation has been started near the borewell with JCB. Oxygen has been supplied to the girl through a pipe in the borewell.
The girl is expected to be at 150 feet depth as there are stones after this. Additional Superintendent of Police Vaibhav Sharma said, ‘NDRF and SDRF have been called for rescue.
In the meantime, the technical team has been asked to install cameras and mics in the borewell, so that the movement of the girl can be monitored.
Notably, this is the second such case in Rajasthan in the last ten days. A five-year-old boy, Aaryan lost his life in a similar incident in Daous on December 12th. The rescue operation lasted for three days, but he couldn’t survive.
<!– Published on: Monday, December 23, 2024, 06:49 PM IST –>