Haider Ali, 40, was arrested in Lucknow on Monday for allegedly posing as an Army captain to woo women into relationships and then duping them monetarily. Haider, who hails from Odisha’s Balasore district and is a Class 8 dropout, would introduce himself as a Hindu and an army officer to lure women into relationships, as per reports.
After getting into relationships, he would ask women for money citing multiple reasons. Once he received the money, he would go incommunicado, move to a different location, and plan for his next prey.
The accused used the fraudulently obtained money to lead a luxurious lifestyle, revealed police investigation.
Haider, who had duped multiple women without getting caught by police, was finally exposed when an FIR was filed against him by a woman in Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow, who had met him in the city and suspected something amiss.
Acting on the woman’s complaint, the police launched an investigation into the case. The police probe led to shocking revelations. They found that the accused had worked in security firms in multiple cities across the country. In each city where he worked, he targeted women and fled with their money.
Police found that he had created multiple Instagram accounts and would post photographs in Army uniform.
Army Medical Corps uniform and badge, Champion Force uniform’s Sri Star flap, NSG Commando uniform badge, Aadhar card in the name of Haider Ali Beg, canteen card, forged Aadhar card in the name of one Hartik Banglo, PAN card, and several other documents have been recovered.
According to the Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police, the accused Haider had financed a bike six months ago in the woman’s name. The bike was kept at the woman’s house. Whenever he came, he would ride around on the bike.
According to reports, Haider came to Lucknow 15 days ago. He had told the woman that he had been posted here in the Cantonment area. He said he had also received a vehicle from the army. He would go to duty riding the bike.
According to the woman, she thought that since he was claiming to be a Captain and Commando, he should have an army vehicle. Yet he continued to go to duty on the bike. When the woman investigated, her suspicions grew deeper. After this, she filed a complaint with the police.